
Changyuan crane industry into the dilemma of the government's strong salvation


July 13, the day of Henan Kerui Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Creighton) 100% acquisition of Henan Hualong Tube Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Hualong tube industry). The two sides reached an agreement to implement the acquisition from the contact negotiations, only for two months time.

The acquisition is not so fast, but the two sides will strongly, behind the Changyuan county government matchmaking guide also plays a role. Kratos acquisition Hualong tube industry, local government is seen as following the 2009 crane industry restructuring initiatives Kai event in the reorganization of the logo.

In the acquisition of the signing ceremony, the local government also released the crane industry restructuring incentive policies, the intensity of the big, significantly as the half of the local economic restructuring of crane industry urgent.


Survey, Changyuan crane industry reproduction orders atrophy, enterprise production dilemma, which is macro economic downturn led to the results, however, cannot be completely with macro economic downturn to cover the growing risks that exist within the industry.

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